About Johan Gustafson
After finishing my undergraduate degree's I begun working as a research assistant at Griffith University on various projects. This research work took me throughout Australia from tropical to temperate waters. I have worked on various projects as a consultant including ecological assessments, water quality and developmental impacts.
I then undertook a Masters by research in fish behaviour within seagrass patches during tidal currents. This project sparks my interest combining fish ecology with the physical environment. After completing my Masters degree, I consulted for Griffith University under Professor Charles Lemckert and various other consultancies, working on a range of projects along the Queensland coast.
My my PhD focused on the Hammerhead shark complex (Sphyrnidae), specifically behaviour, movement, occurrence and environmental influences. During my PhD I was able to use a range of cutting edge technologies and analysis techniques, which I still use today. I have also been able to extend my skill set to other species including bull, white and tiger sharks.
I am also been involved in documentaries such as National Geographic WILD, Australian Geographic magazine and Discovery Channel as a shark expert.
I also partner with Dr Mariel Familiar Lopez giving public and educational presentations and science communication.

Dr Johan Gustafson
(PhD, MPhil. BSc. BHSc)
Marine/shark Ecologist.

Dr Mariel Familiar Lopez
(PhD. MPhil, BSc)
Ecologist and Science communicator.